
A Note from Neil Jansen


Hi! This is Neil, your Community Life Pastor. My wife Jill and I were recently talking about how amazed we are with the great friends we have made at Mariners HB. Our Rooted experience alone drew us close to 15 wonderful people. Life Groups, Men’s & Women’s Ministries, and serving alongside many of you on Sundays has created one big awesome family for the Jansens—and we are grateful! Thanks so much for welcoming us here ten months ago in such a warm and encouraging way. We feel at home.

Regarding being friends and family, Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the outside world that you are my disciples.” – John 13:35 (NLT)

The best place to practice caring for one another is in small groups of community. In September we offer our next Rooted session. If you haven’t experienced Rooted, I urge you to make space for it. I promise this experience will amaze you. If you’ve completed Rooted but are not in community, consider signing up for a Life Group this fall. We have a group just for you. We all need community, and I want to help you find yours.

Blessings on you and your family. See you Sunday!


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