A Note From Jeff Pries


I love all that is going on at our church. It seems like every week I get an opportunity to let you know about more amazing things that are happening. This week we will be focusing on two important values for our church: relationship and youth. First of all, this Friday is our Date Night. It’s a fun time to have some appetizers, listen to a great speaker give a brief twenty minute talk (to get you thinking), and then go out for two hours on your own. It’s a night where we watch your kids for $10. You can’t beat that. Don’t forget it’s also a great night to invite a friend. And, if money is tight, let us know and we will have your $10 taken care of. Relationships matter at Ocean Hills, and we want to provide an environment where you can grow in your marriage or dating relationship. Come even if you don’t have kids. You will love the speaker and the food.

Another important value we have at Mariners Ocean Hills is our youth. We have a heart to reach the next generation. Join us this Sunday and hear all of the great stories that God is writing on the hearts of our junior high and high school students. This is a time to celebrate the youth in our church family and let them know we are behind them. God did amazing things in their lives this summer and you will not want to miss hearing their stories. And because it will be warm, we will be serving root beer floats on the patio.

From all of us here at OH, we hope and pray you are having a great summer.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m seeing so many pictures of kids going back to school and I’m thinking:

a) at least there aren’t more pictures of dogs

b) you all have cute kids

c) time flies, as they say

When you have younger kids people also say that days are long but years are short.

Days feel a little longer in the summer. It’s light out until 8p. People break away from the office to catch a twilight surf. And this summer, it’s 90 degrees with 80% humidity and feels like the face of the sun in my no-AC-house.

However, time still flies.

These days are the “good old days,” friends. Don’t miss them. Don’t rush through in a blur. Stop, notice, pay attention.

You won’t want to miss two things this weekend:

1. Beach Party, Saturday (Aug 29), 4-7p (details below).

2. Sunday services (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p). This service will feel different than most. It will be an important day before the chaos of fall hits in full. Be there. (Preferably at 11:30a or 6p, if you have flexibility.)

See you soon,


Catch up on past messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. -PSALM 18:19

New shoes. Fresh haircuts. Unblemished backpacks. Nervous anticipation. New hopes. Fresh starts. School is back. The world once again starts talking about “normal” life. Run down pool toys, broken goggles, and busted beach chairs are being thrown away. Our “normal” rhythm is on the horizon. I’m sure we’re only a few weeks away from Christmas ads and Black Friday promos — as if that were normal. But, even amid all the familiarity of returning to “the way things usually are” there is, beneath it all, a sense of low-grade dread.

Somehow we sense that the last vestiges of space and relaxation are gone. We wonder, looking back now on the summer: Did I really get enough rest to recharge myself for what’s ahead? Soon, we’ll be looking to that semi-mythical idea of a “spacious place” to which God can bring us. In the eighteenth psalm, the psalmist writes about being “rescued” into such a place. It’s as if the idea of space can only become real through the divine intervention of God’s own hands.

One writer once said that “Space is freedom.” When we talk about space, we’re talking about being unencumbered and unconfined. It’s what we all long for, but only rarely seem to find. In one sense, the season of “space” is winding down. But, that doesn’t undermine the necessity of it — particularly at the soul-level. I’m often surprised by how hungry, tired, lonely, and trapped we all are. In truth, yet, God does intend to give to us a freedom into space, that “spacious place.”

This Sunday, we’ll give people the opportunity to step into the great expanse of God’s love and freedom in a very specific way. We’ll give people the chance to say “I believe,” discovering and declaring that “God [in Jesus] is indeed a ‘spacious place.’” The wall, now down (The scaffolding will still remain for a few more weeks while the work is finalized), epitomizes the work God intends for us: to break down the things that divide and confine, the things that isolate and dehumanize. This Sunday will be one of great courage and great hope. Pray about who you’ll Invite: people who are longing for the wide, sweeping freedom only Jesus can give.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Have you been walking in the fullness of faith this week…experiencing peace with God and the peace of God? I love the series we are in and how we are learning to ground ourselves in the essential qualities of faith that we might be the people God has designed us to be in order to go wherever He calls us to go.

Last week, we considered the fullness of Faith and what it looks like to trust and fall wholeheartedly into His hands. This week, we’ll be diving deep into the next essential quality…Hope. For many of us, this is something we are desperately seeking and there are people all around us – friends, family, neighbors, co-workers – who are in desperate need of hope. Invite them to join us this weekend as we consider all that God has for us.

Also, a few months ago, I invited you to take a survey telling us how you view our church and so many of you jumped in! You shared your thoughts about our church community and how God is at work here. I’m excited to tell you the report is done and the results are in! Whether or not you took the survey, feel free to click on this link and get a picture of who we are, what God is doing, and how we are listening to Him as we move forward as a church.

Looking forward to being with you all this weekend.



Summer Saturday Nights at Mariners

summer saturday nights

Join us after the Saturday 5p service for summertime fun and games for the family. Food available for purchase. To see all of the Summer Saturday Nights, click here.

AUGUST 29 – Musical artist Sam Outlaw performs. Lawn games for all ages: Giant Jenga, KanJam, Ladder Golf, Frisbee, Croquet and more. Food from Dogzilla Truck, Piaggio Truck, Scooters Italian Ice and Mariners Café burgers and pizza.

Young adults and singles, look for The Point community to enjoy the concert together.

Summer 2015


Saturday, Aug 29, 4-7p, on the beach at PCH and 6th Street, free
Wrap up the summer with BBQ, fun, beach volleyball and more. This is a great opportunity to connect in community with your neighbors, friends, and life group. Bring a dish to share, we will provide the hot dogs and hamburgers. Look for the Mariners HB flags! For more info, contact Neil, njansen@marinerschurch.org

For more summer fun, visit our website.

Mariners Care & Recovery


Women’s Abuse Support
Tuesdays, Sep 15-Dec 15, 6:30-9p, Life Development Building 3rd Floor Executive Offices

This group gives adult women freedom from silence about past or present physical, psychological or verbal abuse through a study based on the book Safe People. Register online.

Grief Support
Mondays, Sep 14-Oct 26, 1-3p, $20
Tuesdays, Sep 15-Oct 27, 6:30-8:30p, $20
A community of individuals working to process similar experiences with a caring leader and curriculum as trusted guides. Register online.