
A Note From Jared Kirkwood


What a privilege it is to write to you from our high school summer camp. We have taken 320 students from all of our Mariners Church campuses away for the week and have been overwhelmed with the power of the Holy Spirit and the eagerness of our students to follow Jesus with all that they are. While most teenagers believe the lie that they are not enough, the students at this camp are embracing who they are in Christ and that they are made for more than anything they could hope or imagine for themselves. All week I have been reminded of a promise of Jesus from John 14:12.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these…”

Can you imagine having the ability to do even greater things than Jesus? Of course not! It’s terrifying to think we could love, forgive, and restore in ways greater than Jesus, and yet the Scripture is clear. If you remain in Jesus, you have access to the same Holy Spirit that worked powerfully through Him and we will witness God transforming people’s lives all around us.

Our church has been on an adventure learning to depend and lean on the Holy Spirit in new ways. We have witnessed remarkable life change, restoration, and redemption in the name of Jesus and we are not done yet. No matter who you are, you are enough. You are called. You will do greater things than you ever thought possible. You are made for more than anything you ever hoped or imagined for yourself because you are invited into the story God is writing to transform Orange County.

My encouragement to you is to jump in, get involved, and join us in the adventure of becoming more like Jesus.


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