
A Note from Jordan Maslyn


Wow! God has been moving in HUGE ways in our High School Ministry over the last year, and so much of that work was felt in the last couple of weeks.

We were able to take nearly 100 students to summer camp from our campus this year, which is almost THREE times as many as we took last year. That means THREE times as many students were able to experience Jesus, the beauty of His church, and His transformative power in their lives! THAT is something worth celebrating.

This huge growth was largely because of the generosity that our church community poured out, making it possible for us to offer camp for only $99 for every student. It is also because God has been exponentially growing the hearts of our students, our leaders, and our families to care about the thousands of high schoolers who aren’t yet connected to Jesus or a church community. It has been SO cool to see our community reach out and invite friends to camp and to church like never before!

On Wednesday night, we had a night of worship and baptisms at the beach, where we got to baptize 20 students, take communion together, sing songs of worship, and enjoy each other’s friendship. It was SO cool to see the number of friends and family members who came out to love and support those getting baptized. It was truly a beautiful picture of God’s love in action.

If you’d like to catch a glimpse of the life-change happening in our High School Ministry, please check out our Facebook page and you can also see a recap video from our summer camp here.

Also, don’t forget to keep praying for our Junior High Ministry, which is taking over 100 students to their summer camp this Monday through Friday. We know that God is going to keep doing unbelievable things in their lives over this next week and beyond, and we want to join Him through prayer! We can also pray for all of the leaders – that their beds would be extra comfy, their coffee would be extra caffeinated, and that they would all have a supernatural, Spirit-given sense of peace and energy to carry them through the week.

Much love and God’s blessings to all of you! It is so fun to get to do life together.

Jordan Maslyn, High School Pastor

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