
A Note From Justin Herman


This is a crazy week for me as a pastor, husband and new father. My wife went back to work at her school district in Riverside as a psychologist, my son recently turned four months old and is discovering his toes, and my team and I are getting ready to take 489 students and leaders (and still counting) from all our campuses to summer camp next week. We are a church that values the next generation so we make sure to take the time, have the staff and leaders and allow God to lead the way in how we reach and disciple them. That whole process takes on new meaning for me now as a pastor because I’m a parent too. Think about this verse from Solomon on families in Psalm 127.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. Psalm 127:4-5

How great is it to have children and students in our lives? How thankful are we for the opportunities to shape and influence them, helping them grow into who God is calling them to be? Solomon is saying when we take the responsibility of this to heart and see our children and students growing in their faith, it’s like many arrows in the hand of a mighty man.

If you’re a parent, it’s a treasure to be the person God chose to mold that young person you call son or daughter. You have so much time, influence and opportunity with them, not wasting a moment to help them mature and grow.

If you’re a leader, thank you. Weekends – life groups and camp – couldn’t be done without you. Thank you for taking on the significant task of influencing and loving others’ sons and daughters.

We are a blessed church in a blessed season of Jubilee. Our quiver is full of children and students who are living out their calling because great parents and leaders are helping them identify it. Our children and students are fearless and effective; they hit their mark on this world like an arrow with purpose.

Enjoy your week and hope to see you around our church this weekend.


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