
A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m seeing so many pictures of kids going back to school and I’m thinking:

a) at least there aren’t more pictures of dogs

b) you all have cute kids

c) time flies, as they say

When you have younger kids people also say that days are long but years are short.

Days feel a little longer in the summer. It’s light out until 8p. People break away from the office to catch a twilight surf. And this summer, it’s 90 degrees with 80% humidity and feels like the face of the sun in my no-AC-house.

However, time still flies.

These days are the “good old days,” friends. Don’t miss them. Don’t rush through in a blur. Stop, notice, pay attention.

You won’t want to miss two things this weekend:

1. Beach Party, Saturday (Aug 29), 4-7p (details below).

2. Sunday services (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p). This service will feel different than most. It will be an important day before the chaos of fall hits in full. Be there. (Preferably at 11:30a or 6p, if you have flexibility.)

See you soon,


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