
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Have you been walking in the fullness of faith this week…experiencing peace with God and the peace of God? I love the series we are in and how we are learning to ground ourselves in the essential qualities of faith that we might be the people God has designed us to be in order to go wherever He calls us to go.

Last week, we considered the fullness of Faith and what it looks like to trust and fall wholeheartedly into His hands. This week, we’ll be diving deep into the next essential quality…Hope. For many of us, this is something we are desperately seeking and there are people all around us – friends, family, neighbors, co-workers – who are in desperate need of hope. Invite them to join us this weekend as we consider all that God has for us.

Also, a few months ago, I invited you to take a survey telling us how you view our church and so many of you jumped in! You shared your thoughts about our church community and how God is at work here. I’m excited to tell you the report is done and the results are in! Whether or not you took the survey, feel free to click on this link and get a picture of who we are, what God is doing, and how we are listening to Him as we move forward as a church.

Looking forward to being with you all this weekend.



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