Women’s Ministry Fall Launch


Grab a friend and join us to discover what’s new and happening in Women’s Ministry this coming fall and in 2016! Find out ways to get connected, make new friends, join Bible studies, prayer groups and serve together as women! A light meal will be provided. To reserve your spot, contact Beth, beth@therussellplace.com More info here.

Women’s Ministry Fall Launch
Wed, Aug 26, 6:30-8:30p, Rodgers Senior Center, 1706 Orange Ave, HB

A Note from Jordan Maslyn


Wow! God has been moving in HUGE ways in our High School Ministry over the last year, and so much of that work was felt in the last couple of weeks.

We were able to take nearly 100 students to summer camp from our campus this year, which is almost THREE times as many as we took last year. That means THREE times as many students were able to experience Jesus, the beauty of His church, and His transformative power in their lives! THAT is something worth celebrating.

This huge growth was largely because of the generosity that our church community poured out, making it possible for us to offer camp for only $99 for every student. It is also because God has been exponentially growing the hearts of our students, our leaders, and our families to care about the thousands of high schoolers who aren’t yet connected to Jesus or a church community. It has been SO cool to see our community reach out and invite friends to camp and to church like never before!

On Wednesday night, we had a night of worship and baptisms at the beach, where we got to baptize 20 students, take communion together, sing songs of worship, and enjoy each other’s friendship. It was SO cool to see the number of friends and family members who came out to love and support those getting baptized. It was truly a beautiful picture of God’s love in action.

If you’d like to catch a glimpse of the life-change happening in our High School Ministry, please check out our Facebook page and you can also see a recap video from our summer camp here.

Also, don’t forget to keep praying for our Junior High Ministry, which is taking over 100 students to their summer camp this Monday through Friday. We know that God is going to keep doing unbelievable things in their lives over this next week and beyond, and we want to join Him through prayer! We can also pray for all of the leaders – that their beds would be extra comfy, their coffee would be extra caffeinated, and that they would all have a supernatural, Spirit-given sense of peace and energy to carry them through the week.

Much love and God’s blessings to all of you! It is so fun to get to do life together.

Jordan Maslyn, High School Pastor

A Note From Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday this past weekend, from partaking in communion, to a fun pancake breakfast. It had that feeling of “this is what Church is all about.” IHOP even emailed me to ask for the recipe for our pancakes. :) I told them it is a closely guarded secret, so they will just have to come next year to experience it for themselves. Thank you to all the great volunteers who made the day happen. Please remember we are always looking for help on the weekends, so if you see someone doing something, and think, “I’d like to do that,” then let us know, and we will get you plugged in. We need you. What if once a month you decided to “sit one and serve one?” Meaning, you decided you were going to enjoy one service by sitting in it, and then enjoy the next service by serving in it.  Pray about it. We’d love for you to jump in.

We have another Date Night coming up at the end of this month, which you do not want to miss out on. It is going to be such a great night. We will have tasty appetizers, a speaker, and two hours for you and your spouse to go out and spend time on a date while we have an engaging program for your kiddos here! These nights are so fun and are a super inexpensive date night for you guys, so mark your calendars and RSVP here.

This Sunday I will be continuing in our series Oh! The Places We’ll Go. Do you remember how as a kid you would ask if you could sleep with the light on because you were afraid? What if we could learn how to “live life with the light on,” and not be afraid? Well, that is what we are going to learn about this weekend. We hope and pray you are having a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


It’s a hot one!

I just talked to someone who bought AC for their room yesterday and jerry-rigged it in their window. Desperate times, and all that.

Despite a little sweat, it’s still summer—ocean water is warm, skies are clear, and Mariners HB still has a lot going on. Take a moment to look at the events below and join us—at least for Summer Beach Fun!

And if you’ve yet to be BAPTIZED, don’t miss this unique opportunity to be baptized at the beach with others in our church.

And join us Sunday as I continue in our series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go. I have a great picture from my study break to show you, plus some news regarding our movie theater. Then, I’m going to talk about one of the most ridiculous and surprising stories in the whole Bible. It deals with what we can do with our disappointment. Bring someone with you who needs hope.

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)

See you soon,


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

A Note From Justin Herman


This is a crazy week for me as a pastor, husband and new father. My wife went back to work at her school district in Riverside as a psychologist, my son recently turned four months old and is discovering his toes, and my team and I are getting ready to take 489 students and leaders (and still counting) from all our campuses to summer camp next week. We are a church that values the next generation so we make sure to take the time, have the staff and leaders and allow God to lead the way in how we reach and disciple them. That whole process takes on new meaning for me now as a pastor because I’m a parent too. Think about this verse from Solomon on families in Psalm 127.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. Psalm 127:4-5

How great is it to have children and students in our lives? How thankful are we for the opportunities to shape and influence them, helping them grow into who God is calling them to be? Solomon is saying when we take the responsibility of this to heart and see our children and students growing in their faith, it’s like many arrows in the hand of a mighty man.

If you’re a parent, it’s a treasure to be the person God chose to mold that young person you call son or daughter. You have so much time, influence and opportunity with them, not wasting a moment to help them mature and grow.

If you’re a leader, thank you. Weekends – life groups and camp – couldn’t be done without you. Thank you for taking on the significant task of influencing and loving others’ sons and daughters.

We are a blessed church in a blessed season of Jubilee. Our quiver is full of children and students who are living out their calling because great parents and leaders are helping them identify it. Our children and students are fearless and effective; they hit their mark on this world like an arrow with purpose.

Enjoy your week and hope to see you around our church this weekend.


School Supply Drive


We believe education is an important part of child development and that all children should have the supplies and help they need to succeed. Join us as we collect back to school supplies for children living in low-income situations in San Juan Capistrano. Take a supply list from the patio this weekend (or visit our website), shop with your kids, family or friends and bring the supplies back to Mariners Ocean Hills at the drop-off bin on the weekends of August 9, 16 & 23.

Back to School Supply Drive


We believe education is an important part of child development and that all children should have the supplies and the help they need to succeed. Join us as we collect back to school supplies for children living in low-income communities around Orange County. Pick up a supply list from the patio this weekend (or visit our website), shop with your kids, family or friends and bring the supplies back to Mariners at one of the drop-off bins!

August 1&2, 8&9, and 15&16