
A Note From Caleb Anderson


The ongoing infestation of sharks on our shores not withstanding, these are exciting times, people!

– College football starts TODAY
– Kids ages 4 to 17 are faking smiles for first-day-of-school photos
– The temperature has dropped below melt-your-face-off
– It’s Labor Day Weekend!

In honor of Labor Day, I’m doing a message called “Why We Work.” If you’re in town, you’ll want to hear this message—it will shift your thinking about how you spend 1/3 of your life. Plus, it’s ALWAYS good to be together and be encouraged.

Our official “Fall Kick-off” is the following Sunday, and in that service we will pray for all our teachers and coaches. So please invite the teachers/coaches in your life to church on 9/13. (Thank you for shifting away from the 10a service as much as possible—we want to create some space for new people.)

See you soon!


*If you missed Jairus and Monica joining me for the message last week, listen here. It was awesome!

*Give to Mariners HB here.

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