
A Note From Jeff Pries

Well, the end of summer is fast approaching and I have to say that I feel like it just got here. But football is starting, the kids are going back to school and hopefully the weather will be cooling down too with fall right around the corner. What an amazing summer we’ve had at our church – from Framily Nights, to VBS and pancake breakfasts, to building a house in Mexico and summer camps for our youth – just to name some of the things we’ve done, God has been good.  And capping it off with Youth Sunday last weekend was extra special.

As we move into fall, there are so many things starting back up here at Mariners Ocean Hills. The theme I’m seeing throughout is community and relationship. Rooted kicks off in September and offers the opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and find your purpose. We are also having six Community Nights. The evenings will start out with dinner followed by a great speaker and time together where we’ll learn ways to invest in our relationships. We are also hosting a marriage conference on October 9-10. Headline speakers include Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (Love and Respect) and Bob Goff. It is a great opportunity to fine tune your marriage. Lastly, Men’s and Women’s Ministries are starting up their Bible studies again, so there is a lot going on!

Finally, I have some wonderful news that is mixed with sadness. As you know Jon Ramsay has been a part of our church for the past two years. He was our Worship Pastor until he was stricken with a brain tumor. Over the next year Jon worked to regain his strength and started a part time position with Outreach. Like many of you, we have been praying for Jon’s healing over the past year and a half. God has done incredible things with Jon and he is doing incredibly well. In fact, he is doing so well that he feels like he can move out and tackle more in life. I am so excited that Jon has gotten to this place, where God has used him and healed him in such an amazing way. And with that healing, I always knew we may risk the fact that Jon would move on. We are at that point. Jon will be going to work for an organization called “I Like Giving.” I Like Giving inspires people, organizations and churches to live generously. We will miss Jon and Deanna and their amazing family. Join us this Sunday as we say goodbye to them. We celebrate them, and all that God has done and will continue to do through them.


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