
A Note From Jeff Maguire


Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said,“Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.  Acts 13:1-3

Every day millions of households send people off to do something. Kids are sent off to school with a pat on the head, a hug and a kiss, and perhaps an encouraging word. Spouses are sent off to work with a cup of coffee in a travel mug and an “I love you.” Roommates, often unsure how much goodbye their counterparts require, offer each other a fist-bump or a knowing nod of the head. With a splash of fresh water and a full bowl of kibble family dogs are sent… wherever dogs go during their day.

In the Bible, when the church was preparing to send people to accomplish a new task ahead of them, they were “commissioned.”  It wasn’t an elaborate ceremony. There wasn’t much fanfare. It wasn’t televised. But, it mattered. There was something in the sending that made sense. It was, in many ways, an acknowledgment of work already accomplished and it was a way of affirming that the tasks ahead were indeed work set apart by God for those being sent. “Commissioning” differs from merely “missioning” people. That extra syllable “co” points to something distinctively corporate in nature. Somehow, whoever is being sent does not do so as one cast out on their own. Rather, the sending group is “in it” with the ones who are sent.

This Sunday, we’ll commission people in two ways. First, we’ll commission parents who are dedicating both themselves and their children to walk with Jesus in something we call “child dedication.” We’ll prayerfully prepare parents for the sacred work of raising kids. Then, we’ll commission one of our own pastors, Mike Kenyon as he steps out into his next step. Mike, beginning in October, will officially become the lead pastor at Voyagers Church in Irvine, California. As I talked with their elders, it was apparent from very early on, that Mike was far-and-away their front runner — and with good reason.

If you’ve been through the Rooted experience, gotten connected in a life group, sought marriage mentors, received prayer support, or found your way to Men’s or Women’s Ministry, then Mike had a hand in it. Mike is a tremendous developer of ministry volunteers. He’s a brilliant leader with a sincere heart to pursue God’s Word in a fresh way. His mind is keenly and compassionately focused on a world in need of restoration and hope. This Sunday, we’ll commission Mike and his wife, Allison, for their next adventure in ministry. We get to send them with glad and sincere hearts believing that the best is yet to come for them and for us.

See you Sunday,


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