
A Note From Caleb Anderson


I visited a young man from our church this week recovering in the hospital after being severely injured in a car accident. For a week after his accident, it was uncertain as to whether or not he would make it. Thankfully, he did make it. He told me this week that he forced himself to stay awake. He forced himself to focus on God’s power to bring him through, and on his family and friends who still needed him. And he made it. Tears filled his eyes as we talked and prayed about how God gave him another day—more life to use for good.

Another day. You only have THIS day. What will you do with it?

When death threatens, life becomes more precious. Decisions become simpler, and priorities become more clear.

Don’t miss this: We all have a tendency to prioritize the wrong things. Work, money, people-pleasing, television, laziness… But when everything is on the line, life is really simple. And when you closely examine the source of happiness, joy, contentment, and peace in your life, you’ll discover that they are associated with a WHO, not a WHAT. No thing can make you happy.

If you missed my message about happiness last Sunday, listen to it here. But don’t miss THIS Sunday! You’ll be glad you prioritized our gathering (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p).

Also, if you’ve done Rooted but are not active in a Life Group, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up on the patio this Sunday. Do it. We all need “WHOs” in our lives reminding us of what really matters.

If you’re in a Life Group but you’re not going regularly, step up your game! You’re better with us…and we’re better with you.

Remember our friend in the hospital. When life is threatened, priorities crystallize. Don’t wait for a tragedy to get your life in order.*

See you Sunday,


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

*If you or your Life Group are looking for a study that will help crystallize what matters most in life, My Near Death Experiment book/workbook/DVD are on the patio.

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