
Student Leadership


Students can be leaders in our Children’s Ministry by joining our Student Leadership program. Students serve in Port Mariners each weekend and at special events like Harvest Carnival and Vacation Bible School. Leaders help out with childcare, small groups, worship, computer check-in, running audio/visual equipment in the classrooms and serving as special friends in our Special Needs Ministry. For more info, visit our website.

Two training times available for Student Leaders (6th-12th grades) and Junior Leaders (4th-5th grades)
Sun, Oct 11, 9a-10:15a, Port Mariners r247 or 11a-12:15p, Port Mariners r247

PleaseĀ  note Junior Leaders will meet again on Oct 18 with two options: 9-10:15a or 11a-12:15p in Port Mariners r247.

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