
A Note From Jeff Pries


As a church, we often talk about being “inviters” – looking out for people in our lives (friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers) who need to hear some good news about life, or who need some sort of community for themselves or for their kids. If there were ever a good week to invite someone, it’s this week. This Sunday, I will be talking about one of life’s biggest dilemmas, and more importantly, what to do about it. It will be a weekend that everyone will relate to, but seemingly, no one knows what to do about it. And the great news is for the following two weeks, I will be talking about how to deal with this area of our life. Simply put…Do you wonder how to make life work? We are going to find out over these next few weeks. So invite someone, not only will it bless them, but it may also unlock something in their life they have never even thought about.


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