Child Dedication


Parents who would like to dedicate their children in the service are invited to attend our Dedication Class. We will go over all the steps involved, including choosing a life verse and the importance of a spiritual walk with your child. The class is required for placement in the service. Contact Karen,, for info or download the Dedication Form here.

Sun, Nov 1, 11a-12:15p, Life Dev Bld r208

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The STEP IN FILM FESTIVAL is in full swing. I’m excited for you to see the next short film!

This Sunday, I’ll be talking about the Dark Side—the dark side in all of us—and how we all live with something in us that wants to do wrong. (You can read ahead in Romans 7, if you’d like.)

Plan on joining us for Trunk or Treat—Sat, Oct 31, 3-5p, in the Sports Complex parking lot adjacent to the Central Library. Dress up, decorate your vehicle, bring your kids—little kids, big kids, grown-man-kids… it will be a fun time.

See you soon!


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations… Deut 7:9

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


… I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

I love how we’re seeing life – true life…abundant life – on display in our church. Last weekend was awesome as we celebrated life in community with one another on Saturday night during service and after at our Pumpkin Patch! I loved seeing families hanging out together, eating, enjoying music and building relationship with one another. (Saturday Nights are a great time to experience life in community!:) I love that we were able to see life transformation as more than 100 people stood in our experiences and said “I Believe,” trusting Jesus with their lives. I love that we celebrated life change together as over 30 children, students and adults were baptized on Sunday. There are always opportunities to have our lives transformed and invite others into this journey with us. If you or someone you know is looking to experience new life in your marriage, join us as we finish our Building Healthy Marriages series with Doug Fields tomorrow night from 6:30-8p in the Community Center.

Then, this weekend, we continue walking through Romans 8 together. Kenton will be leading us through a beautiful passage that reminds us about our identity as sons and daughters of a loving, heavenly Father. Join us in this great adventure of experiencing the full, abundant life that God desires for each of us to walk in. Invite your friends and family into this journey and we’ll see you this weekend.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
– Romans 7:15

I don’t really like instructive letters. No matter what the instruction is, I resent it. I’m not sure what cataclysmic forces I might have unleashed on the world for failing to uphold my end of the numerous chain letter contracts to which I was bound in my childhood: “If you don’t send this letter to seven people, everything bad that ever happens in the future will be your fault.” (I think that was the gist of it.) I don’t even like when a writer breaks the unspoken “wall” between the pages of a book and me, the reader, telling me to do something other than continuing to read. I want to be inspired to action, not instructed to it. No matter what the instruction is, I always feel at least some sense of patronizing condescension from the author who must take a secret delight in making me do something I wouldn’t have otherwise done.

So, it is with great humility that I walk directly into my own hypocrisy and ask you to do something beyond merely reading the rest of this note. I realize many of you will continue to read without pausing to do what I’m about to ask of you. Just remember, if you don’t complete the forthcoming task, you will be responsible for every bad thing that ever happens in the future everywhere.


Now, take ten seconds and consider at least three things everyone should do. What are the things, experiences, or practices that all human beings ought to do?

That list is likely to be wide and varied. Some of you started with basic hygiene: bathe, change your sheets, brush your teeth, etc… Others of you thought of exotic travel destinations (i.e.: Lake Mission Viejo), or lemon meringue pie, or first kisses, or roller coasters, or putting the seat up, or putting the seat down, or using the correct fork, or trying a hula hoop. Maybe, some of us veered slightly more relational in our answers: call your mother, or pick up the phone when your mother calls, or stop lying, or spend more time with loved ones, or forgive, or cry sometimes, or laugh more often, or laugh less frequently at someone else’s expense. The list could go on forever.

We’re all familiar with what we SHOULD do. Quite honestly, we’re often far more familiar with what everyone else’s list of “shoulds” looks like. Our issue is not that we are unable to determine what we’re supposed to be doing. Everyone knows broccoli is good for you, and that we SHOULD eat more of it. But, it’s gross. Ice cream is not gross. We don’t choose ice cream because we are unaware that it is a lesser health choice. We choose it in spite of what we know.

Most people — when you ask them about Jesus’ ministry — believe that he was dedicated to an agenda of better clarifying what we SHOULD all be doing. It’s not uncommon for people to reach the conclusion that Jesus’ followers are merely intent on being better at completing the long list of “shoulds” in the Bible. What is it that God is after in the Bible? Is it merely obedient robots living under the fearful threat of of punishment? Or, is God seeking something more for us that cannot ever be reached by climbing a moral ladder of shoulds or should-nots?

Just maybe the “shoulds” aren’t enough to ultimately accomplish what God wants for us in our lives.

This week, we’ll challenge this notion of should-allegiance that so many people have about the Bible. Invite friends who may have been burned out by a tradition, belief, or a practice of merely being told that they’re not doing enough right things. God wants so much more than that for us… and for them. Let’s explore it together as we continue in our series: TRANSFORMED.

See you soon,


A Note From Jeff Pries


As a church, we often talk about being “inviters” – looking out for people in our lives (friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers) who need to hear some good news about life, or who need some sort of community for themselves or for their kids. If there were ever a good week to invite someone, it’s this week. This Sunday, I will be talking about one of life’s biggest dilemmas, and more importantly, what to do about it. It will be a weekend that everyone will relate to, but seemingly, no one knows what to do about it. And the great news is for the following two weeks, I will be talking about how to deal with this area of our life. Simply put…Do you wonder how to make life work? We are going to find out over these next few weeks. So invite someone, not only will it bless them, but it may also unlock something in their life they have never even thought about.


Oak View


Oak View Halloween Spooktacular
Sat, Oct 24
shift 1: 9a-12p, shift 2: 12-3p
Oak View Family Resource Center, 17261 Oak Lane, HB, 92647

Join Oak View families for their annual Halloween festival! We will be hosting craft and games booths for 1st-4th grade students and need your help. Contact: Monica,

Oak View Community Clean Up
Sat, Oct 24, 8-10a, Oak View Family Resource Center (17261 Oak Lane, HB)

Get to know the families in the Oak View neighborhood while you work alongside them to keep the community clean and safe. For more info, contact Monica,

Building Healthy Marriages


Our Building Healthy Marriages series offers a new way for couples to invest in their marriages. For three consecutive Fridays, we’ll come together in community to hear powerful speakers, find encouragement and get the tools we need to strengthen our marriages. More info and register.

Fridays, 6:30-8p, Community Center
Light dinner, guest speaker, table discussion
Childcare available from birth-5th grade, $20/family

  • Oct. 9 with guest speaker, Jim Burns
  • Oct. 16 with guest speaker, Roger Tirabassi
  • Oct. 23 with guest speaker, Doug Fields


Safe Families & Foster Families Trauma Training


Join us for a trauma and attachment training with Dr. Jenna Flowers, Psy.D., MFT. Learn practical tools that will help you create a healing environment for children from difficult circumstances. Breakfast and snacks provided. Note: 4 hours training credit for foster families. Contact Lauren to register,

Sat, Oct 24, 8a-12p