A Note From Jeff Maguire


And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. – 2 Thessalonians 3:5

I got busted last week. It happened while I was driving my daughter in my car. I don’t remember exactly what I was doing, but I do know whatever it was, it necessitated my steering the car with my left knee… Look, no hands. My daughter, keen in observation, asked: “Why are you driving without your hands?” In re-thinking the moment, of course it was stupid. It’s stupid whenever I do it. Admittedly, my hands are rarely at “10 and 2.” Nevertheless, I certainly don’t want any of my kids (when they eventually start driving) to try and control a car by their knees. But, that’s what I was doing.

Maybe, I was adjusting the radio… with both hands, I guess. Maybe, I was clipping my nails (I have been known to do such a thing. I’m not proud of it. But, I have nail clippers in my car. I do my best to catch the nail clippings in my lap so that upon exiting, all the nails will be deposited onto the street and not in the car). Maybe, I was unwrapping a burrito. Maybe, rich in irony, I was unwinding the hands-free ear buds that attach to my phone so I could talk unimpeded. In any event, my hands were not directing the car. The car, a 1994 Suburban, is no sub-compact. It’s big and heavy. It requires the focused and skilled hands of an aware driver.

Our hearts aren’t much different, I suppose. Most of the time, I’m content to direct my own heart by the whimsy of my desire or the hubris of my own best judgment. But, while an unguided heart can get me a short distance, it marks a significant risk — one greater than I realize. Paul says it this way: the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God. In other words, my heart is in need of being directed by God to God. This is more than mere obedience. It’s about surrender. It’s about our hearts’ greatest need — our utmost desire and destination: love. God’s invitation to us is not simply that we avoid wrongdoing. God’s invitation is to direct us into love — the love of God.

Each week (either on Thursday night or on Sunday morning) we give people a chance to be guided into God’s loving presence. We’ll do it by laughing, singing, praying, embracing each other, learning, and even in mourning together. Who are the people in your life longing for a depth of love they can’t quite name? Maybe, God will use the words of your invitation to help give voice to that gentle and compassionate direction of God upon their hearts. As we continue in our series, TRANSFORmeD, we’ll revisit the idea that love — the love of Jesus —  is what initiates the work of transforming us. Love, after all, is that thing toward which we’re all driving, whether or not we know it.

See you soon,


A Note From Jeff Pries


I missed you last week as I was spending time celebrating my son up at UCLA at a baseball parent luncheon. But I heard you had a great weekend having Kyle come speak. I’m looking forward to being back this week to kick off a new series. We will be looking at the Book of Romans and seeing what a transformed life is all about. Do you ever wonder what the secret ingredient is to make life work? Well, this week we will find out. And it may be different than you think.

Community is such a big part of our church. Next Tuesday, October 13, we’ll be kicking off Community Nights. So join us for dinner – we’ll have a great time learning and growing together. Roger and Becky Tirabassi will be talking to us about relationships. Plan on jumping in for the next six weeks (if you can make them all) and grow in relationship and friendship. You can find out more and register here.

Lastly, our Harvest Carnival and Chili Cook Off are coming up on Sunday, October 18, which is a weekend you do NOT want to miss. We will have more info this weekend and make sure you sign up to attempt to beat my famous chili recipe!

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Don’t worry, we will have the A/C cranking.



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


This week has been such an exciting week on our campus! We’ve been hosting the Exponential Church Conference where thousands of church planters gather to be energized on planting and multiplying their efforts for the kingdom. We have blessed thousands of pastors from all over the world and it’s amazing to think what God is doing as we take part in His global kingdom movement.

This weekend, I’m excited for you guys to get a taste of what God is doing around the world, more specifically with our church partners. Pastor Sameh Maurice from Egypt will be sharing in our weekend services. It’s astonishing to hear how the gospel is advancing and how people are being transformed by the power of Jesus in the Middle East through Pastor Sameh and Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church. This is a perfect weekend to come and invite your friends and family to see and hear about the hope people find in Jesus, even in the most desperate areas and circumstances. You will be inspired and encouraged! I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend as we celebrate the transforming work of Jesus in our lives and around the world.


A Note From Caleb Anderson

Couple quick things you should know about the coming weeks…

This Sunday: PANCAKE BREAKFAST in the parking lot—after all four services (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p). My cousin, Mike Myers will be teaching in our Romans series—it will be a GREAT day.

Next Sunday (10/18): STEP IN FILM FESTIVAL – I’ll be back and we will be kicking off the four-week film festival celebrating life-change in our church. The four weeks starting 10/18 will be unlike anything you’ve seen at our church so far. Don’t miss a Sunday. Seriously. Seriously, don’t miss a Sunday. People will be talking about the services and film festival and the in-service short films and you’ll feel bad, like you missed out—and it will be true. So, seriously, don’t miss.

Love you…

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Syrian Crisis


There are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees in other nations, more than 7 million displaced within Syria and more than 3 million internally displaced Iraqis. As a church, we are called to respond as we always do through partnerships and collaborative efforts. Find out more. Visit Disaster Response on our website and learn how Mariners Church is responding and how you can help.

Syrian Crisis


There are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees in other nations, more than 7 million displaced within Syria and more than 3 million internally displaced Iraqis. As a church, we are called to respond as we always do through partnerships and collaborative efforts. Find out more. Visit Disaster Response on our website and learn how Mariners Church is responding and how you can help.