
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


What a moving experience we shared last weekend as we collectively experienced the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I love the humility and courage people expressed as they walked forward demonstrating their total surrender and dependence on Jesus, believing that God loves them and wants to heal them. I love the care and faith shown by the elders and leaders of our church as they prayed over one another in community. I’ve already heard some amazing stories of how God used last weekend to bring freedom into the most desperate places in our lives. What a beautiful season we are walking in together as a church!

This weekend is a beautiful opportunity to see the gospel on display as we launch our Celebrate Differently season together – the heart of Jesus expressed through His Church to the people around us. We’re going to continue in Romans 8, remembering and reflecting on how deeply God loves us and how when we embrace that truth, we are compelled to love those around us in tangible ways. This is a perfect weekend to invite your friends and family, even those skeptical of Jesus and His Church, to come and experience the power of Jesus to transform lives.

I’m praying for you this week as you walk in your healing and freedom in Christ…


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