
A Note From Caleb Anderson


Growing up, my family was great about traditions. Around Christmas time we had several—tree decorating night, sleep under the tree night, breakfast downtown Christmas Eve morning, among others.

One other aspect of Christmas that seemed to be a constant was having someone in our home who needed to be there. Sometimes they were extended family members far from home. Other times they were staff or interns without the means to get to their families. And occasionally they were friends going through divorces or dark times. My parents made our home a home to many.

Beyond the pomp and circumstance of holiday parties and shopping, make sure you do something to remember that Christmas represents the greatest display of generosity and love this world has ever seen. God humbled himself and limited himself to the point of putting on human skin. He came here—He came near. He showed us what God is really like. He showed us what Love is really like.

To be continued this Sunday…

Over the next few weeks, we will share messages of hope for the Advent season on Instagram and Facebook; I encourage you to take a moment to read these each day as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.

This is going to be a great season. If you struggle to believe that’s true, just keep showing up and be open to what God might do.

See you Sunday,


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

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