
A Note From Jeff Pries


We are in full swing with my favorite time of year. Yes, it is crazy. Yes, it can be overwhelming. It can even have moments of disappointment. But it is also an exciting time. As a church, this is our season, a time to celebrate Jesus and His great love for us.

At the same time, this week has been filled with sadness and pain. It seems to be happening way too often; a clear reminder of the brokenness, evil and tragedy in this world. It is truly a time when people need Christmas- a time of peace, comfort and joy. It is reassuring knowing that this comes from God and that He has invited us to be peace, light and joy to the world as well. May this be a season where we can bring comfort and joy to others. I cannot think of a better place to start than San Bernardino and for those who are dealing with this tragedy. Please be lifting them up in prayer.

Part of the Christmas season is celebrating all of the things we love about Christmas. It’s a time to gather, laugh, sing and celebrate. And there is no better place for that than at our Tree Lighting. Join us this Sunday evening from 4:30-6:30p. If you have young kids, bring gloves for them because we will have snow…and sledding! It’s one of my favorite things we do as a church. You won’t want to miss it!

And remember…invite a friend during this Christmas season. This is the season many people want to go to church. Most people in your life will say “Yes” if you just ask. Blessings to you.

See you Sunday,

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