
A Note From Jeff Pries


To say last weekend was great might be an understatement. We had such a wonderful service with our Children’s Ministry and Deanna leading us in worship – celebrating the joy of Christmas! Having the kids in service is always such a blessing. It reminds us all of that child-like faith! Then, Sunday night, we had our tree lighting which was so fun. We enjoyed snow, cookies, and hot chocolate, and sang Christmas carols together. It was such a great event. I loved spending time with you all and meeting your friends and family.

If you missed last weekend, I challenged us to choose one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to read in the next few weeks and then write down who God is on the boards located in the foyer. They will be out as we talk about this leading up to Christmas, so participate when you can. This weekend we’re continuing in our Light of the World series, considering the idea that God actually humbled Himself to become man and answering the question: Why? Why would God do that? Why would He come to Earth and choose to become one of us? This is one of those profound questions that anyone would think about, so be praying about who in your life needs to hear how much God loves them and who you can invite in these upcoming weeks. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.



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