
A Note From Caleb Anderson


Merry Christmas!

I was just with my family at Pacific City and watched Jack (2-year-old) run around from Christmas tree to Christmas tree pointing and telling anybody within ear-shot, “It’s Christmas!” Hank the Tank (9-month-old) was just staring blankly while gnawing on bread crust. But it was a beautiful family moment.

It is Christmas, in fact. And it’s coming in hot.

No idea where you stand with gifts, parties, decorations, eggnog, or family dysfunction, but ready or not, Christmas is almost here.

Even if your circumstances are not what you’d hoped today, remember that Christmas is not about what’s happening, but what has happened. God came near. And the Good News just keeps on coming… God still comes near!

Don’t miss any opportunity to notice how close, how real, and how GOOD God is this season. There is probably something he wants to whisper to you amid all the noise this week, so slow down and pay attention.

Join us this Sunday at our normal service times. And then, of course, for our Christmas Eve services:

23rd: 4, 6p
24th: 2, 4, 6p

…All at the Central Library Theater.

Bring someone with you. An invitation could change the trajectory of someone’s life.

Merry Christmas, and peace be with you.


P.S: Listen to past messages here.

PPS: Give year-end and Step In offerings here.

PPPS: No Sunday services on the 27th, as we seek to protect and honor the families of our 110+ volunteers who serve each Sunday.

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