A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 1 Corinthians 4:7-9

This Advent season, when we celebrate the arrival of Jesus and the Hope we have through a relationship with Him, we’re also surrounded by tragedy, pain, and sadness, reminding us that we are still waiting. We’re waiting for His return when He will make all things new…permanently…for all time. As I pray for you, our community, and our world, may the promises in God’s Word bring hope and peace to our lives as we continue to live as ministers of His Kingdom. If you haven’t already, I invite you to join me as we cling to the message and promises of Advent together through our devotionals. You can follow along and invite others to join us.

This weekend provides a couple of amazing opportunities for you to invite people into the hope and peace we live in that transcends the circumstances of this world. Tomorrow night, we kick off the Christmas season together with our annual Tree Lighting. This is a beautiful environment where our friends, family and neighbors can see the hope and joy of the Gospel on display as we ring in Christmas together. Then, Kenton will be back this weekend with the perfect message -one the whole world longs for and wonders if it’s even possible -a message of PEACE.

Invite your friends and family to join us this weekend. I look forward to seeing you all and walking through this season together…




A Note From Jeff Maguire


“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me…”

Our neighborhood is manic about Christmas lights. In the same moments people were deciding whether or not marshmallows-on-sweet-potatoes belong in a sandwich made from leftover turkey, my neighborhood started putting up Christmas lights. In our family, we felt like we may have needed a bit more time to let the tryptophan weaken its grip on us before we started untangling the strands of Christmas glory. We could feel the disdain from our neighbors about our lack of impetus. They didn’t say it. But we knew it. They purposely sent their dogs to our lawn during this past week (I’m sure of it) — a kind of Whoville meets A Few Good Men “code red” to get us moving. Evidently, we needed to get with the program. Lights needed to be up on our house. “Immediately” would not be soon enough. We have to be ready.

Being ready is what the season of Advent is about. Advent is a word meaning “arrival.” It’s a time in which we dually place ourselves both in the 1st century amid the shepherds, the kings, the peasant farmers, the mothers, and the fishermen who felt the very real tyranny of Rome and our present world, twenty centuries later in which we have, once again, to wonder about the reality of senseless and unthinkable violence. Whether now, or then, we’re ready for new world -a world with at least a measure of more peacefulness.

In truth, we have a reason both for sadness about the state of things and a reason to celebrate about what will someday be. We can celebrate because the work that has begun in Jesus, which will one day come to completion, is being carried out through us and into the world now. We’ll need to prepare our hearts for all God has called us to be a part of, to living in eager anticipation of His future. That future, God’s future, is one of hope, peace, love, and joy.

The Sunday night, December 6th, beginning at 5p, we’ll get ready for Christmas at our annual tree lighting. We’ll remember what celebrating looks like. We’ll leave behind the memories of dirty dishes of Thanksgiving. Black Friday, Small business Saturday, Send-your-dog-to-the-Maguire’s-lawn-Sunday, and Cyber-Monday are all in the rearview mirror. We’ll gather as people in need of celebration -even if we don’t feel like it. So, come, bring a friend. Refresh your memory about what Christmas joy looks like. We’ll laugh. We’ll throw snow at each other (we’ve ordered 10 tons of it). Our kids will eat too many cookies and drink too much cocoa. We’ll huddle around cups of chili made by our own Mariners family (if you’d like to contribute, contact Kasaundra Domen at kdomen@marinerschurch.org). We’ll wear hideous Christmas sweaters -the way Jesus would’ve wanted it. We’ll sing, perhaps not perfectly, but loudly nonetheless. We’ll prepare our hearts for the arrival of Jesus. Your heart will be aimed at Christmas, and even if you don’t feel it now, you’ll be ready too.

See you soon,

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Growing up, my family was great about traditions. Around Christmas time we had several—tree decorating night, sleep under the tree night, breakfast downtown Christmas Eve morning, among others.

One other aspect of Christmas that seemed to be a constant was having someone in our home who needed to be there. Sometimes they were extended family members far from home. Other times they were staff or interns without the means to get to their families. And occasionally they were friends going through divorces or dark times. My parents made our home a home to many.

Beyond the pomp and circumstance of holiday parties and shopping, make sure you do something to remember that Christmas represents the greatest display of generosity and love this world has ever seen. God humbled himself and limited himself to the point of putting on human skin. He came here—He came near. He showed us what God is really like. He showed us what Love is really like.

To be continued this Sunday…

Over the next few weeks, we will share messages of hope for the Advent season on Instagram and Facebook; I encourage you to take a moment to read these each day as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.

This is going to be a great season. If you struggle to believe that’s true, just keep showing up and be open to what God might do.

See you Sunday,


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

Listen to recent messages here.

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A Note From Jeff Pries


We are in full swing with my favorite time of year. Yes, it is crazy. Yes, it can be overwhelming. It can even have moments of disappointment. But it is also an exciting time. As a church, this is our season, a time to celebrate Jesus and His great love for us.

At the same time, this week has been filled with sadness and pain. It seems to be happening way too often; a clear reminder of the brokenness, evil and tragedy in this world. It is truly a time when people need Christmas- a time of peace, comfort and joy. It is reassuring knowing that this comes from God and that He has invited us to be peace, light and joy to the world as well. May this be a season where we can bring comfort and joy to others. I cannot think of a better place to start than San Bernardino and for those who are dealing with this tragedy. Please be lifting them up in prayer.

Part of the Christmas season is celebrating all of the things we love about Christmas. It’s a time to gather, laugh, sing and celebrate. And there is no better place for that than at our Tree Lighting. Join us this Sunday evening from 4:30-6:30p. If you have young kids, bring gloves for them because we will have snow…and sledding! It’s one of my favorite things we do as a church. You won’t want to miss it!

And remember…invite a friend during this Christmas season. This is the season many people want to go to church. Most people in your life will say “Yes” if you just ask. Blessings to you.

See you Sunday,

Tree Lighting


Join us for our annual Tree Lighting! Invite your friends and family for snow, hot chocolate, treat decorating, face painting, crafts, games, shopping at our outdoor Mariners Bookstore Christmas Boutique and more! Burger and pizza meals available for $5. Contact Autumn, amiddleton@marinerschurch.org to volunteer.

Fri, Dec 4, Irvine Campus
5:30p, Patio festivities

6:30p, Program in the Worship Center

Outreach Germany Global Vision Gathering


Hear our Berlin Team as they share about what they saw on their recent Vision Trip, how God is moving and using refugees in a radical way, and how we can move forward together as a church to advance His Kingdom in Germany. Our partners in Berlin will even be Skyping in for the conversation! Don’t miss out on how you can get involved and be a part of what God is doing in Germany! For more information, please contact Paul at phan@marinerschurch.org

Sun, Dec 6, at 10:30a, Life Dev Bld r203, free
light refreshments provided