
A Note From John Thomas


Last weekend’s message by Pastor Kenton was one of the most compelling I’ve heard on community.

In it, we were reminded that God speaks powerfully through community and that He desires for all of us to be in a place where we are connected and known. The pull of our world is to isolate or pursue relationships that are self-serving, but God has so much more for us!

This past week I got to witness the greatest number of walk-ins that we have ever had begin their journey of community through Rooted. This month thousands of you will jump-start your Life Group rhythms during our group connect this Sunday and our group launch on the 21st. And, in the coming weeks, we will be sharing about how our entire church can jump into community during the upcoming Art of Relationships series. There’s a place for you! Don’t miss out on getting connected in community here at Mariners.

This weekend Kenton will continue our Tune In series by looking at how God speaks to us through prayer. What do you think about when you consider prayer? For some it may seem like some mystically or unattainable practice. For others, prayer can be viewed like a direct 911 line to the ear of God. In reality, prayer is so much more! Don’t miss this week as we take a practical and compelling look at the WHY and HOW of prayer together.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the patio this weekend!


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