
A Note From Jeff Pries


It was so great being back with you last week. Even though I wasn’t truly gone, I had not spoken on a Sunday morning for three weeks, so it’s nice to be getting back into a rhythm. The other fun part was the pleasure I had to stand up front and share such a great picture of where we are financially. You have been incredibly generous and to think that we are at a place where we can break even with our budget is amazing. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and Mariners Ocean Hills.

This week, we’ll continue talking about Rooted. Community is such an important part of the life of our church. If you haven’t gone through Rooted please genuinely give it some prayer and thought. And if you have gone through Rooted, in the coming weeks we will be talking about Life Groups, the next step after Rooted in finding community.  Bottom line, if you are not in a group, we are entering the perfect season to get into one.

There is no greater place where ministry happens than out front of our church, on our patio and lawn. I love how we have gone from an area of mud to a turf field where kids and families can play. Plus, it will be the perfect place for some of our big celebrations – Harvest Carnival, Tree Lighting and our picnics! We are hoping to pay for the turf outside of our general offering, so if you would like to donate to the turf “above and beyond” your normal offering, that would be a blessing. We are currently one-quarter of the way to paying it off, so please pray about jumping in. And whether it be a big gift or a small one, they are all a blessing to our church.

I hope you are enjoying our series, Tune In where we have been looking at how to be connected with God. I look forward to sharing with you this weekend as we continue in the series.


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