
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


One another

These words appear together almost one hundred times in the New Testament alone. They define us as they acknowledge we were created to live in relationship with both God as well as each other. They can also create fear for many of us who have been hurt by others. These words are the reason we are launching our new Art of Relationships series this weekend.

We’ve spent the past three weeks focusing on our relationship with God, learning to hear His voice and His truth in the midst of all the noise of this world. Now, we begin six weeks on how to live out that truth with one another. All of us have relational wounds and desires. We’ve been hurt, abandoned, and lied to. We’ve been frustrated and often feel empty and alone. These next six weeks will help restore our identity, heal our brokenness, and reignite our hope in relationships.

This is the perfect time for you to invite your friends and family to join us as we launch this series…I hope to see you guys this weekend.


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