A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Art of Relationships

The excitement… the anticipation… and most importantly, the hope and expectancy that God will move. That’s what we experienced together last weekend as we launched our new series, Art of Relationships. Thousands of you invited friends and family to come and kick off this six-week series with us and even more of you have jumped into Life Groups, Rooted groups and community groups, as we know that is where we will find the encouragement and strength to become everything God wants us to be. I love the challenge and invitation Kenton gave us to stop comparing ourselves to each other and walk in the fullness of who Jesus created us to be. What a powerful opportunity we have to draw even closer to our Heavenly Father.

This weekend will be another beautiful opportunity for us to gather in community. Doug Fields will be joining us to talk about one of the single greatest destroyers of relationships. You’re going to want to invite your friends and family to hear this message as Doug invites, challenges, and aims our hearts back at the truth that will set us free and heal our frayed and broken relationships.

Looking forward to all God will continue to do as He changes Orange County and the world through us.


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