A Note From Caleb Anderson


Someone surprised the group I was with recently and bought our entire meal—seven people. We were sitting there with our cards out anticipating the painful process of split-and-tip when the server said, “Oh, it’s been taken care of.” Awesome!

And that one act of kindness inspired a member of our group to buy a subsequent meal for another table of people later in the week. Feel the love, spread the love!

How can you spread a little love between today and Sunday?

It gets real these next two Sundays. Make sure you join us this week for a hope-filled message about…


Normal service times:

8:30 | 10 | 11:30 | 6*

…As we continue in our Art of Relationships series. Jump over to Facebook and watch an intro video I just shot, then share it with your friends as an invitation to church.

Remember, everyone around you is going through something—something that you’re probably unaware of. Create “buffers of grace” and love people even when they don’t deserve it. We’re becoming better people and making this world a better place as we invite God to love others through us.

*Bonus tasty treat on the patio following the 6pm service.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S: Give online to Mariners HB here.

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