A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Yesterday, we began our journey to Good Friday and Easter with Ash Wednesday, a time where we come together and focus our hearts on the sacrifice of Jesus. Thousands from our church have chosen to give up something in this 40-day season of Lent. Sugar… coffee… television… whatever it is you choose, I want to invite you into this Lent Journey with us as it tunes our hearts to the voice of God. From my own experience and for those on our staff, we’ve seen God take the space that is created when we turn loose of something, and aim our hearts at who He is, filling us with more of His voice, his guiding and presence. It’s not too late to jump in and participate in this spiritual adventure with us!

Have you been following the wisdom of James this week? Are you being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry with those around you? I’ve heard from so many of you how the practical wisdom and tools from James have been transforming your conversations and relationships this week. That’s what God’s Word and the Holy Spirit does –  ignites our hearts and gives us the wisdom and power to become everything He has called us to be.

This weekend, we continue in our Art of Relationships series and I’m so excited as we gather to focus on love! There are so many questions surrounding love…What is love? What’s the purpose? Who created it? How do we fall in love? How do we stay in love? We’re going to look at God’s Word and find truth that will calibrate, aim and transform our thinking, actions and lives. When we grab ahold of God’s truth and integrate it into our lives, it gives us a beautiful picture of His great gift of love, transforming us and our relationships. This, on a Valentine’s Day weekend where culture is considering what love is and who it’s for, is a perfect time to invite friends and family to come and hear the truth about love! This will be a great weekend.

Looking forward to seeing and being with you all!



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