A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I’m so encouraged at the stories I’ve been hearing about how the Art of Relationships series is impacting your lives and relationships. Every week you have been telling me on the patio, emailing me, or stopping me at the coffee shop to let me know how God has been restoring hope through forgiveness, healing and restoration. It gives me great joy to know you’ve been inviting your friends and neighbors to join you in this adventure and that their lives are being changed as they discover truth that transforms lives in community with us here at Mariners.

Last weekend was amazing as Doug Fields invited and challenged us to be the church that reaches the next generation. Many of you reached out this week and asked how you can be a part of the story we are writing as the church that changes culture through the next generation. If you want to jump into this adventure with Doug and me, you can simply email nextgen@marinerschurch.org and we’ll get you connected for your next step.

This weekend is the finale to our series and it promises to be amazing! When we were creating this series, one of the issues that consistently rose to the top of the “must discuss” list was sexuality. The world sells us such an incomplete and inconsistent view of sex, so we are going to look at what God says about our design as well as remember the meaning and purpose of sex. (This will also be a VERY PG-13 conversation, so you’re going to want to make sure to drop your kids off at Port Mariners before you come to church.)

We’re also setting aside time for a “Healing Service.”  At the end of our services each week we mention that prayer for healing is available with our elders and leaders. With this in mind, we are inviting the elders and leaders to come down front at the end of the service to pray in the room as part of our experience together. This is a time to allow the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, through the context of our prayers for one another, to bring freedom, healing and hope, while restoring our identities as we pray through James 5 together.

I want to invite you to prepare your heart for what God wants to do and invite your friends and family to join as this promises to be a beautiful weekend! We will see and experience the power of the Gospel to transform lives on display as we walk into healing together.



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