A Note From Caleb Anderson


EASTER was amazing. If you were out of town, you missed four special services. This was by far the most people our church has ever hosted on Saturday at the park and Sunday at the theater. Lives were impacted, decisions were made, and MANY of you played vital roles (inviting, serving, planning, praying…). Thank you!

As I told you last week, we’re sweetening the deal for this Sunday, inviting Ricos Tacos to serve breakfast burritos or tacos after all four services (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p). And this Sunday we’re kicking off our new series, “Things I Wish Jesus Never Said.” You don’t want to miss this provocative series.

Between now and Sunday, consider this verse:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

…And ask yourself this question, “What am I holding tightly to that might really be a lack of trust?”

See you Sunday!


P.S. Visit StepInHB.com to see our plans for the Regency Movie Theater and recent updates.
P.P.S. Listen to past messages here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great Easter week we had together! Good Friday was an amazing service to experience, remembering the weight of the cross and the sacrifice that took place for each of us. And Easter Sunday was powerful together as we celebrated the hope we have because of the resurrection. It was such a blessing to have people share their stories with us through cardboard testimonies. I know it impacted me and many others, so thank you to all of you who participated in that last weekend.

I hope everyone is getting some rest and enjoying the spring weather this week. One thing to keep on your radar… Community Nights start in a couple weeks. For those of you who were able to attend in the fall, you know these are nights you want to be a part of. Not only are they fun and entertaining but they also allow you to find community within this church as you get to know the people sitting next to you each and every weekend. So please sign up online or on the patio this weekend. They are going to be great and something I am really looking forward to this month.

Love doing church with you. Excited for this Sunday!



A Note From Jeff Maguire


I woke up this morning in a tiny cabin so cold my own breath was plainly visible around me. The interior air was a stifling 39 degrees. I slept fully-clothed, wearing a sweatshirt, pants, and socks with a sleeping bag pulled tightly around me. Any exposed skin ached in the early morning hours. My head screamed for a cup of coffee as an emerging headache made its unrelenting demands for its daily sunrise caffeine therapy. In the tiny room packed with four bunk beds and a futon, there were supposed to be three others in “it” with us.

Somehow, those brave sons of ours — those formerly intrepid “others” committed to sleeping in the cold lower room of a poorly heated cabin as a right of manhood — those young men managed to find their way to warmer spaces in the cold of night. At 9:30 in the evening we had reached an agreement. It was a sacred man-pact. It was understood that we’d take one for the proverbial team. All the boys would free up the best beds in the warmer recesses of the cabin for other people. It was the intent of two dads to create a learning moment for our sons. We’d help our boys learn how to serve other people choosing something less desirable for the sake of some others.

Of course, I suppose being both a pastor and a dad, I’m prone to make too many things a learning moment. I’m often circling the wagons, telling everyone to take a knee for an aphorism or a nugget of fatherly wisdom that ought to span the generations. As a father (and someday a grandfather), I want to parent my kids into a future in which they have courageous, compassionate, and daring hearts. I want to point them toward Jesus. I want to meet them in mercy and understanding when they miss that target in the same way I want to be understood when I miss it. I want them to choose wisdom without legalism. I want them to discover that love is better than being correct, (no matter how often I get these two confused). I long for them to know both the fullness of truth and the fullness of grace. I want them to know I love them. I want them to understand that having more, newer, and better stuff will only leave them wanting more. I want them to be around caring adults who can pour into them.

Over the next two Sundays, we’ll  hear from two adults who cared about me in my adolescence. This Sunday, Scott Rachels, my junior high pastor will teach, kicking off our new series: THINGS I WISH JESUS NEVER SAID. Then, in the following week, Doug Fields will teach specifically to parents. There are so many people in our community , like me, longing for answers and direction on this particular subject.  Doug will be supplying our Mariners MV community with a free resource for the people you invite — a best-selling parenting book. So, over the next few weeks invite parents to hear from people who have “been there” — who know what it’s like to try to build into kids what we hope they’ll become.

See you soon,




A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


What a powerful Easter weekend as we remembered the sacrifice and power of Jesus moving from death to life! It was amazing to celebrate with over 21,000 people from our community, experiencing the hope and the life that is promised through Jesus. I loved meeting and getting to know all of the friends and family you invited! What a gift it is to be able to share all that we have in Jesus and in our church community with our neighbors!

November 9 – 18

As we remembered the journey of Easter together this past week, I kept thinking how much I wish each of you could go to Israel with us! The Easter story, the gospels, the power of God expressed in the Old Testament…God’s Word absolutely comes alive when you walk in the actual setting where these biblical adventures took place. We are taking another trip this fall and I would love for you to come. It would be an honor to lead you through these remarkable places where many have come away with a renewed sense of God’s presence and call on their life. Click this link to find out more. I encourage you to pray about this, allow God to speak to you, and explore ways to jump in and come with us.

This weekend, we launch our new series, “Things I Wish Jesus Never Said.” Have you ever read the Bible and been confused by what Jesus was saying? Sometimes it just doesn’t seem to make sense. It almost seems impossible. Doug Fields joins us this weekend to launch this provocative new series as we dive into some of the startling sayings of Jesus and become the kind of people He created us to be.

I can’t wait to see you as we walk through this spring season together.


Therapy Dog Training


Therapy dogs are used to provide comfort and healing to at risk children and adults. Join us in one of our dog training classes and pass the certification test to be a licensed therapy dog. More info here or search “therapy” on our website.

Saturdays, Apr 2 – May 21, 9:30-11a, $60

JHM: Mancation and Girlcation


MANCATION: April Fools Edition
Apr 1, 5p – Apr 2, 10:30a, $10, O’Neill Regional Park
We will sleep very little, play games, have riddles, cook our own food, build a campfire, roast ‘smores and lots more! Click here to register, search “Mancation” on our website.

GIRLCATION: Blanket Fort Glamping
Apr 1, 7p – Apr 2, 10a, $10, Upper Room
Glam-camping in the most epic blanket fort designed by YOU! A night of girlie fun and bonding (and probably not much sleeping, let’s be real). Dinner, snacks and breakfast provided! Search “Girlcation” on our website or click here to register.

Contact Hilary with questions, hmccullough@marinerschurch.org

Mexico: Child Sponsorship Faith Adventure

Outreach-Compass-2016Join the team of volunteers hosting a new Community Outreach event in the Tierra y Libertad neighborhood! They will be inviting sponsored students, along with the children and teens from the neighborhood. Volunteers will help with games, crafts, a puppet show and sharing the gospel using a child friendly book. For more info search “Mexico” on our website or click here to register.

Sat, Apr 16, 6:30a-7p
Online registration required, adults $40, children $20


Child Dedications & Baptisms


Sun, Apr 3, 12:45-1:30p, Mariners Mission Viejo
Child dedication gives families the opportunity to make a commitment before the church to raise their child in a Christ-centered home. If you would like to have your child dedicated, you must attend this class to participate in our Child Dedications on Sun, Apr 10, during services. More info here or search “dedications” on our website.

Sun, Apr 3, 12:45-1:30p, Mariners Mission Viejo
Port Mariners Kids is having a Kids Baptism. Come and celebrate as a family, your child’s decision to be baptized! Join us on Sun, Apr 10 from 2-3:30p for worship, baptisms and ice cream sundaes! If your child is in 2nd-5th grade and would like to be baptized, he/she will need to attend the mandatory baptism class. More info here or search “baptism” on our website.