A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.
Romans 6:5 (NIV)

This is the truth we walk in and celebrate uniquely this week…Holy Week is here! Prayer and planning are complete, and now campus preparations are well underway as we gather with thousands from our community this week for Good Friday and Easter Celebration services and our annual Egg Scrambles. Happy Easter!

We begin with our Good Friday services where we’ll remember, reflect and respond to the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. Good Friday invites us to truly reflect on the weight of sin, and more importantly, the opportunity to embrace the freedom and forgiveness that’s found because of the death of Jesus. Good Friday amplifies the extravagant hope and joy we experience in the resurrection, so make plans to invite a friend and join us this Friday at one of our five Good Friday services.

Then, we turn the page, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus – the power of God to bring dead things back to life! This is the hope we all need in our lives…hope the world is desperate to experience. We have services available for every person in your life at every life stage. Join us on Saturday night for our Egg Scrambles and our Saturday night experiences. These are great services for friends and family with kids to experience the beauty of relationship and the gospel on display. And, joining us on Saturday frees up space for our community on Sunday!

For those early risers, join me at our at 8:15a Easter service. This will be a beautiful time as we start the day aiming our hearts at the truth of Easter, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus (and, we create space for more from our community at our later service times). Or, if your friends are only available to join you at 9:45 or 11:30a, that’s perfect too! We’ve spaced out the service times to allow for a bit more breathing room between experiences (and in the parking lot). I can’t wait to see you and meet your friends and family who are joining you this weekend as we walk through Holy Week together.



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