A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great Easter week we had together! Good Friday was an amazing service to experience, remembering the weight of the cross and the sacrifice that took place for each of us. And Easter Sunday was powerful together as we celebrated the hope we have because of the resurrection. It was such a blessing to have people share their stories with us through cardboard testimonies. I know it impacted me and many others, so thank you to all of you who participated in that last weekend.

I hope everyone is getting some rest and enjoying the spring weather this week. One thing to keep on your radar… Community Nights start in a couple weeks. For those of you who were able to attend in the fall, you know these are nights you want to be a part of. Not only are they fun and entertaining but they also allow you to find community within this church as you get to know the people sitting next to you each and every weekend. So please sign up online or on the patio this weekend. They are going to be great and something I am really looking forward to this month.

Love doing church with you. Excited for this Sunday!



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