We had a great Sunday this past week. It is so fun to see our church grow. We were really close to having the most kids we’ve ever had in our Children’s Ministry.
I learned something this Sunday, our church loves taquitos! Way to go, we raised close to $1,400 for junior high camp scholarships to be given to the Spanish speaking church on our campus. We have a great partnership with them, and it is so fun to come together and bless each other.
I think we can all agree installing the turf was such a great thing to do for our church. It was so fun to see people just having a picnic right on the ground. I even heard someone say, “It’s really comfortable, and the kids don’t even get grass stains.” I love it. Also, donations continue to come in, and we are just about (3/4) of the way towards our $15,000 goal. You all have generous hearts, thank you.
Finally, Easter is just around the corner. Remember, this is the time of year that people who don’t normally go to church will get up and go. All they need is an invitation. So please be thinking about people you can invite. We will have a great service for everyone. I hope you had a wonderful week. This Sunday’s message may stretch us all a bit, but trust me, if we listen to what Jesus has to say, it will be life changing.