A Note From Jeff Pries


April must be here, because yes, it has brought rain and showers. And that means we have made it past the Easter season, and now we have started our new series, “Things I Wish Jesus Never Said.” Jesus always said things that are in our best interest, the problem is, they are often difficult to hear. This week I will be talking about a topic that affects all of us and I believe what we’ll find is while it maybe challenging to hear, it will also be freeing. I look forward to seeing you this week.

Here are a couple things to consider. We will have information available for you this Sunday about our upcoming trip to Israel. Also, we have hired our new Children’s Pastor! Maranda and her family are amazing and I will be introducing them on April 17. Many of you asked what we are going to do with the painting from Good Friday. Well, we have given it some serious thought and we are going to put it up for sale. All proceeds from the sale of the painting will go into our Outreach Ministries budget. It’s an amazing painting, and I’m sure someone would love to have it in his or her home. So please let us know if you are interested.

Finally, Community Nights are starting up Wednesday, Apr 20. This is a great time to get together and discover genuine community. It is an event for all ages ranging from kids, youth, and of course, adults. Come hear Dr. Buddy Mendez as he will be kicking off our first night. I can’t wait to see you there!

Blessings to you,


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