A Note From Caleb Anderson


Did you know that you’re part of something unusual? Of course, you are probably strange and unusual in all kinds of wonderful ways, yourself, but I’m talking about something special and unusual that we’re all part of together.

Some people travel from event to event, conference to conference, gathering to gathering trying to get some sense of God’s presence or power. But as a church we see it every week.

Lives are changed every week. Leaders step up all the time. Prayers are answered with regularity.

And it’s happening right here…right now… in front of us.

ROOTED plays an important part in the life change and momentum we’re seeing. I have talked with a couple different pastors from other churches this week who are considering doing Rooted at their church. Did you know, there are now over 100 churches throughout the United States that Mariners has trained to use Rooted? It is a tool that God brought to us from Africa, and now it’s going well beyond HB, well beyond Mariners Church.

YOU HAVE TO DO ROOTED! Seriously, if you’ve been delaying, it’s time. Email Ericka immediately, or sign up here right now. We kick off Thursday evening (groups meet other days/times, too).


SUNDAY is going to be powerful. I can’t explain it. You’re just going to have to experience it for yourself—8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p.

See you then,


P.S.: Visit our StepInHB.com website to learn more about our move to the Regency Movie Theater

P.P.S.: Listen to past messages here

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