A Note From Jeff Pries


We have a saying around here, “life change happens in circles not rows.” What this means is that as great as it is to come to church on Sunday morning, worship, open God’s Word, learn and hopefully be challenged or encouraged, the next level of life change occurs when you start unpacking life with other people in community.

I say this because Community Nights are a great first step to engage in this process. It is an excellent opportunity to jump into relationships and connect with others. At the same time, there is a casualness to the evening that makes this first step easy and safe. So be sure to join us for dinner, great speakers and a meaningful time of community and fellowship. If you haven’t signed up, I highly encourage you to, here is the link.

We are in the third week of our series, Things I Wish Jesus Never Said.  This week we will look at a great encounter with Jesus. Although it may seem confusing and awkward, in the end you will find it comforting and encouraging. As always, there are people in your life who would love to come to church, all it takes is an invitation. This is a great week to invite them because this is a message that reminds us why we follow Jesus. I look forward to seeing you.



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