A Note From Jeff Pries


There are a few components to ministry that are foundational to our church and this week we have the opportunity to experience them.  Last night was our Community Nights kick off. Community is a major part of the life of our church. Our desire is that everyone has a place to meet and connect with other people in a smaller setting. It was a great night of community with over one hundred people in attendance.  We laughed and learned, sat with old friends and met new people.  As I sat there, I thought, “this is what church is all about.” Next week we have another great night planned, Jared Kirkwood is going to talk to us about finding our story.  As we look at our life, one thing we may or may not realize is the idea that each of us has a story. Jared is going to help us find that story in our life, and we will begin to see what that means. Our story is a huge part of who we are. Don’t you want to know what your story is? On a practical side of the evening, after experiencing the pleasure :) of listening to the “money taker,” I had a revelation. It bothered me that some families had to pay over thirty dollars to attend! So we are changing the pricing. It will now be $5/adult and $5/child and then if you have three or four kids, they are free. So the most the night will cost you is $20, no matter how many kids you have. Thank you to two great families in the church who are willing to underwrite this price difference. It is such a fun night and we never want finances to be an obstacle.

Like I said, this week we are experiencing two foundational components to the life of our church, the first is community and this Sunday we will be celebrating Outreach. We are a church that is committed to reaching out and helping others. This Sunday we will learn about some great ministry opportunities that we will be going after as a church. Outreach is such a big part of who we are, you will not want to miss it. So come and celebrate the privilege we have of being people who get to make a difference in the life of others in our community.

Finally, our youth will be going into inner city LA this weekend to serve and evangelize. I know this is short notice, but they are collecting jackets and sweaters to give to people on the streets in need. So, if you have any jackets or sweaters that are sitting in your closet, my guess is there is someone who would love to wear it.  Please drop off at the church (Thursday or Friday); the bin will be located at the entrance doors of the church. Thank you for participating in this if you can.  A lot of good stuff is happening. It’s great doing life and ministry with you.



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