A Note From Jeff Pries


There are a few components to ministry that are foundational to our church and this week we have the opportunity to experience them.  Last night was our Community Nights kick off. Community is a major part of the life of our church. Our desire is that everyone has a place to meet and connect with other people in a smaller setting. It was a great night of community with over one hundred people in attendance.  We laughed and learned, sat with old friends and met new people.  As I sat there, I thought, “this is what church is all about.” Next week we have another great night planned, Jared Kirkwood is going to talk to us about finding our story.  As we look at our life, one thing we may or may not realize is the idea that each of us has a story. Jared is going to help us find that story in our life, and we will begin to see what that means. Our story is a huge part of who we are. Don’t you want to know what your story is? On a practical side of the evening, after experiencing the pleasure :) of listening to the “money taker,” I had a revelation. It bothered me that some families had to pay over thirty dollars to attend! So we are changing the pricing. It will now be $5/adult and $5/child and then if you have three or four kids, they are free. So the most the night will cost you is $20, no matter how many kids you have. Thank you to two great families in the church who are willing to underwrite this price difference. It is such a fun night and we never want finances to be an obstacle.

Like I said, this week we are experiencing two foundational components to the life of our church, the first is community and this Sunday we will be celebrating Outreach. We are a church that is committed to reaching out and helping others. This Sunday we will learn about some great ministry opportunities that we will be going after as a church. Outreach is such a big part of who we are, you will not want to miss it. So come and celebrate the privilege we have of being people who get to make a difference in the life of others in our community.

Finally, our youth will be going into inner city LA this weekend to serve and evangelize. I know this is short notice, but they are collecting jackets and sweaters to give to people on the streets in need. So, if you have any jackets or sweaters that are sitting in your closet, my guess is there is someone who would love to wear it.  Please drop off at the church (Thursday or Friday); the bin will be located at the entrance doors of the church. Thank you for participating in this if you can.  A lot of good stuff is happening. It’s great doing life and ministry with you.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


What a special Sunday we just had. Monica and our volunteers shared their passion and challenged us to fill our bags and build relationships. We have already heard several stories about how our church is jumping in and doing our part.

So, what are you putting in your bag? Tell us…show us…join us!

This upcoming Sunday we will continue in our Things I Wish Jesus Never Said series and I have a unique message that I can’t wait to share with you. The inspiration came in a counseling session, and the impact is profound. It will make you think differently.

If you aren’t connected to a group yet, this weekend is the perfect opportunity—Life Group Connect, happening on the patio. Life is better in community with other good people.

If you missed last week’s message, you can listen here.

See you Sunday…


P.S. Visit our StepInHB.com website

A Note From Susan Hulse


As I look back at the past year of all that God has done here at Mariners MV, I am in awe of the incredibly awesome God we serve! It was just a short year ago that I answered God’s call to come to Mariners MV and become the Children’s Pastor. (Phew…time flies by!) This journey has been nothing short of amazing and God continues to surprise me with His faithfulness. As I settled into my new position, I was immediately struck with what an amazing church community we have here at Mariners MV. You are a church that believes in what God has called you to and sees the blessings of serving. I see a community that has a desire to learn more of what God has for each of you. I quickly learned that you are a church “that is in the community for the community” and that every weekend you are people who love to invite others from your neighborhoods and your community to be a part of all that God is doing at Mariners MV. God is on the move here at this church and I love that you are people who don’t want to miss it! Every weekend I see Children’s Ministry growing as you continue to be an inviting church.

So, in light of all this excitement I see happening here, I wanted to continue to lean into what a next step for Children’s Ministry would be. I am so thrilled to let you know that this year we will be hosting Summer Fun Nights VBS on our OWN campus! Summer Fun Nights VBS will take place July 18-22 from 5:30-8:30p for incoming kindergartners-5th graders. This is an incredible opportunity for you as a church to be praying about who in your neighborhoods, your kids’ schools or sports teams need to experience this awesome event! Where Summer Fun Nights VBS is going to be nothing short of awesome with Bible stories, crafts, recreation and an amazing Outreach focus, my desire is for kids who have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ to come to know Him in a way that will change their lives forever.

This is also a wonderful time for our church to come together and serve during the week of VBS. There are so many opportunities for you to jump in! Having it in the evening gives us the unique opportunity to serve as a family. We get to partner together as a church and watch in awe all that God is going to do. I don’t want you to miss out on this blessing. God is going to do an amazing work!

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.”  Psalm 105: 1-3


Susan Hulse
Children’s Pastor

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:40

Be Fearless! I love that we were able to put this verse into action last weekend as we aimed our hearts toward the least of these through fearless generosity with our time and our money. I love how our church embraces the privilege to live out who we are and bless the community we live in. This weekend we’ll discover more about how God is calling us to care for those in need and see some snapshots of the courageous steps people took to help advance God’s Kingdom in Orange County. I know that many of you were not able to participate because you were out of town or had other obligations, however, this weekend you will have a chance to join the amazing story of love, redemption, and service that God is writing through our church as we serve our community together.

I can’t wait to see you this weekend as we continue in our series Things I Wish Jesus Never Said and unleash fearless generosity to our community.



Kenya and Uganda Faith Adventure Meeting


Do you have a heart for Africa? Have you ever wondered what the church is up to in Kenya and Uganda? Join us for our information meeting to hear more about our next adventure to build a leadership team to join in on what God is doing in Kenya and Uganda. RSVP to Mindy@marinerschurch.org to let us know you’ll be attending! Our Faith Adventure is planned for July 24-August 4, 2016.

Sun, Apr 24, 12:30-2:30p
Kindergarten room in Port Mariners


Date Night


Take an hour to breathe, relax, laugh, socialize, eat appetizers, and be encouraged! Then have a night out with the reassurance your children are being cared for in a safe and loving environment. More info and register or search “Date Night” on our website.

Fri, Apr 22, 6-9p, Worship Center Foyer
6-7p Appetizers
7-9p Free date time or stay and fellowship
Childcare in Port Mariners (pizza included)


Homeless Ministry

Outreach-Compass-2016Help those who are ready to take next steps to get off the street as we build relationships with the homeless through games, dessert and stories. Be a part of our welcome home team for those moving into permanent housing. More info and register or search “homeless” on our website.

Sat, Apr 23, 5:45-8p
Salvation Army, 1710 W Edinger, Santa Ana
Every 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month