Recently, in a Chick-fil-A, I witnessed an awkward moment. Two guys were sitting near me having lunch when they saw someone they recognized…
• Hey, that guy over there in line looks like Eric.
• That is Eric!
• No, really?
• Yeah, that’s him.
• Did he see you?
• I don’t know.
• Is he walking over here?
• Oh, hey Eric.
• Hey guys, having lunch?
• Yep…… (awkward pause)…. want to sit down?
It was lunch at Chick-fil-A, and I had a front row seat for the awkward interaction of three co-workers – two of whom were enjoying lunch together – and a third uninvited co-worker who obviously felt left out.
We all feel left out at some point. And feeling left out stinks.
On one hand, you can’t manage everyone’s emotions and/or control whether or not someone’s feelings get hurt. That falls into the people-pleasing category.
On the other hand, you don’t want to be insensitive, callous, or careless with people either.
Like Jesus said, we honor God by loving and caring for others. That’s what matters most in life, and that means we live in the tension of rolling out the red carpet without being a doormat.
First, embrace that tension. Next, embrace an outsider.
There is someone in your life who is standing alone in line and feels uninvited. Ask him or her to sit down and have a chicken sandwich with you and your friends. What will it hurt? And think of all the ways it might help…
Especially on MOTHER’S DAY… Think about the women in your life who could use a phone call, a note, or a personal invite to church. If possible, bring them with you this Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p). We’ll help you make them feel special.
P.S. New visuals of the new building! StepInHB.com
P.P.S. Catch up on recent messages here.