A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


This past weekend, I had the privilege of being with nearly 400 Men of Mariners at Man Camp up in the mountains. Not only did we eat, laugh, and compete as you would expect, but I was blown away how everyone leaned into God, inviting Him to speak and lead. Together, we unpacked our church verse…

No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.
1 Corinthians 2:9

It was beautiful seeing the men of our church taking seriously His invitation to reshape their identity as His kids, knowing and believing that He has prepared good things for them. We worshiped and sang at the top of our lungs. We took time to pray for one another and we responded courageously to God’s invitation to say, “I Believe!” Many men were baptized as a public expression of their trust and faith in Jesus. I believe the ripple effects of this weekend will continue throughout our families, our workplaces, and Orange County as we courageously become who God calls us to be as His followers.

Last weekend, we launched our new series in the Book of James: Faith in Action and considered how joy can be built through endurance and testing. This week, we’ll continue looking at what the younger brother of Jesus wants to teach us surrounding temptation. Have you ever considered the difference between trials and temptations? Is there a difference? What is the point of a temptation, anyway? And, how can we withstand it and choose to move away from what seems impossible and move toward who God created us to be as His kids? Invite your friends and family to join us as we pursue Jesus together in community.

Looking forward to being with you all!




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