A Note From Jeff Pries


Summer weather is in full force around here and even in this heat wave, it’s been great to enjoy this time with my family. I don’t often get to slow down to their “summer” pace, but I love it when I do. I hope you are enjoying time with your family as well.

We had a great service last weekend with Deanna Ramsay leading worship and Jared Kirkwood teaching for us. It was also fun to see all of you helping pack up care packages for Nykiea and his battalion. You guys were so generous. We packed enough so we can send a package once a week until they come home. I love that we are able to care for these men and women, while they put their lives on hold to protect our country. It’s a blessing to do ministry with you all!

Just a reminder that our Summer Camp Out is coming up next Friday (Aug 5th). It’s a lot of fun, so we would love to have you join us. I’m excited for the fire starting competition! You know me- any competition, I’m in! So start working on your fire starting technique and you can RSVP for the Camp Out here. And then that following Sunday (Aug 7th) is our Sunday Together, which means we will be meeting all together at 10a, rather than our 9 & 11a service. It will be great to worship as one community, and as always, eat a delicious BBQ meal after the service.

Looking forward to Sunday with you. See you soon.


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