A Note From Tim Keller


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. 
His love endures forever.
– Psalm 136:1

I don’t know about you, but for our family, this summer seems to be flying by. Samantha and I keep grasping for opportunities to connect with each other, our kids and our friends and family, as the precious summer moments pass. Before we know it, our kids will be heading back to school and fall will be upon us.

I’m excited about all that God has been doing in the Mariners MV community this summer; the annual Men’s Retreat, Serve Day 3.0, and our Summer Fun Nights VBS, just to name a few. God is so good! And I am equally excited to embrace all that God has in store for us this fall! Here are some things we are looking forward to as a community:

  • We are growing! You may have heard Jeff announce last weekend that we will be adding a new service time: Sundays @ 5p! You have been such a great community of inviters and this new service time will give more people in our neighborhoods opportunities to encounter Jesus. The new service time begins the Sunday after Labor Day.
  • We have a new High School Pastor! With a high school student of my own, I am thrilled about Jeff Bachman joining our staff team this September.
  • Our volunteer leaders are getting ready for fall! We believe that life is lived out best in community. Our Community Kick Off will happen on Wed, Sep 14 where everyone will have an opportunity to get connected through Rooted, Life Groups and Financial Peace University. Click here to sign up for any of the groups.
  • MOPS! We are starting a new Mothers of Preschoolers community here at Mariners MV on Fridays this fall. MOPS seeks to provide support and friendship during a fun, yet challenging, season of parenting. For more info or to register, click here.

These are just a few of the exciting things coming our way! I love what God is doing and look forward to what He will do as we continue to seek Him in our lives. Thank you for making this community so great to be a part of. It is really you, the people of Mariners MV, who make it such a great reflection of God’s love for His people.

Don’t miss this Sunday at 9 or 11a as we continue in our JAMES series with guest speaker, Josh Griffin, co-founder of Download Youth Ministry! I will see you there!

Tim Keller
Community Life Pastor

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