A Note From Jeff Pries


This weekend is going to be a Sunday you don’t want to miss. It is our Sunday Together, where we come together for one service at 10:00 AM, a great way to all be together. Community is such a big part of our church, and I love the community our Sunday Together gatherings bring. Plan on hanging around after the service. We will have a band, fun things for the kids and a barbecue. It should be a beautiful day together!

Great news about our preschool, we hired our new director Liz Graham. I look forward to introducing her to the congregation in the next couple weeks. I can’t believe it, our preschool opens in September. It is going to be a great part of our church and a blessing to the community. Don’t forget to spread the word and let people know. If anyone has questions, they can call 949-769-8500.

A quick reminder, if you are looking for a fun, but low maintenance camp out, this Friday is the perfect opportunity. Make sure you come hungry, I will be firing up the barbecue for us all.

I love our church, and as you can see, there’s a lot going on. It’s a great place to be and also find connection. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


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