A Note From Trisha Graves


Happy August! I hope you are enjoying the warm, long days of summer and finding time to connect with family and friends in the beautiful outdoors! I love the slower pace of summer and the carefree opportunities we have to take more time to invest in others and our walk with Jesus.

One of the key times for our students to invest in their faith happens next week at summer camp. We are sending off over 500 of our junior high and high school students and 120 leaders to camp at Forest Home and Lost Canyon. This is an incredibly powerful week where students will experience being away from home (some for the very first time), given unconditional love and community through cabin talks and time with their leaders, and hear from God in new ways.

Would you join me in praying for our students to encounter Jesus in a powerful way next week at camp? Also let’s pray that God would use the leaders who are going to influence and love our students in significant ways. I know that many students make bold faith decisions through what they experience at camp and I can’t wait to hear the stories of life change from our students when they return!

Before heading to camp to speak to our high school students, Doug Fields will be kicking off our new series this weekend in the Worship Center, called REFUEL. In today’s fast-paced world it is easy to find ourselves running on empty. Join us as we learn practical and sustainable ways of putting God first, so we can experience the fullness of life that He has for us. Invite a friend to come with you and take time to refuel. It’s a great way to spend the last weeks of summer together!

Hope to see you there!

Trisha Graves

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