A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’ve been on a number of teams over the course of my life. Some of them have won championships. Many of the teams from my childhood could only look past devastating losses envisioning a box juice and a granola bar as the bright spot on an otherwise bleak Saturday morning. Whether we won or lost, the lessons we hope kids learn, sometimes in spite of the parent cheering/sideline coaching/referee-antagonizing, is about the team itself. We make friends. We commit to each other and to hard work. We learn about triumph and overcoming. We remember that no matter what, we’re in it (whatever “it” may be) together.

Sometimes a team stands out. To look back on the old pictures of the buck-toothed, freckled, alfalfa-haired boys of my childhood sports teams, there are only a few team pictures where I can name everyone. Those are the teams that meant the most, not merely because we posted successful win-loss records, but because those teams lived and played like family. In most cases, the teams characterized by the greatest successes on the field likewise engendered a life of selfless dedication to each other off it. We were friends first and teammates second. Generally, the line between the two was indistinguishable.

This past week, as our Mariners MV staff got away together for a brief retreat, I was reminded about the impact of serving on a staff team that loves like a family. We played together. We ate together. We discovered that foremost among those things to which God has called us, is a dedication to each other. I’m so grateful for the team at Mariners MV. I get to serve alongside the most talented, brightest, most enthusiastic, and most dedicated people I know. I’m honored to call them family.

As a staff team, we’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of our newest addition — our high school pastor, Jeff Bachman. This Sunday, following the 11am service (12:45pm), we’ll have a brief get-together for those who have high school aged kids, would like to serve in our high school ministry, or who are presently in high school. We’ll eat some lunch and then we’ll hear from Jeff. I’m certain it will become clear why we’re all so excited to have him join our Mariners MV family.

See you Sunday,


PS: This Sunday, as we wrap up our JAMES series, we’ll conclude, as James’ letter to the early church instructs, to pray for healing. So, for the hurting, the weak, emotionally scarred, those who have blown it, the pained, and those who are willing to address the reality of their own struggle, we’ll ask God to meet us in the midst of it all. It won’t be a circus. There will be no gimmick. We will, however, with hope and faith, seek God’s healing power for us.

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