A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Summer is officially over! (Well, at least it is for me.) My kids went back to school this week and I’m back to work re-engaging and running full-speed in the fall rhythms of life. But, I know for many of you, summer isn’t over! You still have another week or two, and as jealous as I may be, I want to encourage you to make the most of it! Take time to rest, be with friends, neighbors and family. Enjoy everything God has given us in this beautiful place we call home.

I love how timely and impactful our REFUEL series has been, regardless of whether we’re enjoying the last couple weeks of summer or launched into fall. I’ve heard from many of you how valuable this series has been for your life – the wonderful reminders that connecting with God is always available to us and how we can hear His voice in everyday life, making big and small connections in something as simple as a shopping cart (watch Doug’s message on 08/14/16). It’s possible to move from a place of spiritual emptiness to fullness as we rely on His incredible power and love for each one of us!

This weekend, we’ll bring this great series to a close and consider what it looks like to live a REFUELED life. What does it look like to be spiritually full? What are some of the indicators in our lives? And what are the implications of fullness (or emptiness) for our families, our church and our community? Invite your friends and neighbors and join me this weekend as we continue to embrace and become all God created us to be!

Looking forward to being with you all…



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