A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Are you running on empty or full?! What a great time we had in our REFUELED series in August, remembering that God is powerful, loving, close, personal, and always available to fuel our lives. Last weekend was such a beautiful finale as we celebrated with over 50 people who said “I believe,” choosing to trust and follow Jesus with their lives! And many of you decided to get in the game and use your giftedness to serve our kids in Port Mariners (as opposed to watching from the sidelines)! The opportunity to serve our church family (including our kids) along with many other opportunities are available every week, so I want to invite you guys to continue to develop as mature followers of Jesus by living a life of character, unity, and service.

It’s September! Fall is here, kids are back in school, football is back, and this is a great time to look back – did you have the summer of your dreams or was it a disaster? Do you feel rested and ready for this season or are you already exhausted just thinking about what the fall season brings and all of its demands? This weekend, we will look at God’s Word and discover that it is possible to have a life of rest at the speed of life. What could it look like to move through life not overwhelmed or burdened, but with a sense of freedom? The world is desperate to hear we don’t have to live exhausted, crushed by the demands of life, burdened by the weight of performing and pleasing God or those around us.

Invite your friends and family to join us this weekend as we gather together to remember that a life of rest is possible, even promised, in God’s Word. And, we’ll slow down, taking communion together as we remember our identity in Christ. Looking forward to being with you all and saying hello to you and your friends this weekend.



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