A Note From Jeff Pries


You may have heard me say this before (ok, I say it a lot), but a vital component of Mariners Ocean Hills is being in community with one another. It’s one thing to come Sunday morning, but being in a small group of people is essential for growth and makes a big church feel smaller. And after all, we all want to walk through life with people who understand us and encourage us in our faith journey. It is oftentimes in a small group where we find real friendship and experience God in powerful ways.

In the coming weeks, we will be giving you the opportunity to jump in. We have all kinds of commitment levels for you and we want to make it easy for you to find the perfect group. So whether it’s Rooted, or Life Groups, or jumping into Community Nights, we have some great options for you. You’ll be hearing more about all of these over the next few weeks, so get ready! I think you’ll find being in a group will be a meaningful experience that will change your life.


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