A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Who are you? What breaks your heart? I love these two questions Kenton left with us last weekend as we launched into our fall series Favor with Kings from the Book of Nehemiah. We have to know who we are and understand our true identity is found in Christ as God’s adopted son or daughter in order to be able to hear His voice and have Him break our hearts for what breaks His to bring about real and lasting transformation in us and through us.

This weekend, we’ll continue with the story of Nehemiah, the brokenhearted man responding to the sadness and pain of the world. Through Nehemiah’s dependence and obedience to God, we’ll see how God moved in and through him to bring about profound change in the world. I love the truth and encouragement we find in Nehemiah’s story! There is brokenness all around us. People are desperate to know there is hope and something so much more than the pain we can experience on a daily basis. This is a great series for our friends and neighbors to hear, and this weekend is a great time to invite them to come and hear there is hope in the midst of sadness, and purpose can be found in pain.



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