A Note From Jeff Maguire


I went.

On the elevated stage were six oversized chairs. Plastic bottled waters and mugs rested atop small adjacent end tables. The room was typical of a college meeting hall in many respects: massive fluorescent lighting, rows of padded chairs linked safely together, and it was largely populated by cool-looking people living in the newness of adulthood and the freedom that comes with being a student at a large university. But, unlike the lecture halls I remember as a student, no one attended this gathering because they were compelled by a professor. No one was falling asleep in the midst of the presentation. This stuff mattered to the audience. It mattered to the panelists. UCI, along with a number of other colleges, has been hosting what they refer to as “Conversations on Identities and Culture.”

On the panel were:  a hip-hop artist, an activist, a politician, two scholars, and a music producer. All but one of them, the politician (a Latina woman) were African-American. They spoke about a world in which they lived that I had not ever known. In a lot ways, I felt like a kid sitting a table of grown-ups, listening to a conversation for which I could understand only by an empathic imagination. The activist, Ashley, asked the room: “How many of you have been pulled over more than twenty times in your life?” Hands shot up all around me — young hands — hands of people who hadn’t been driving all that long. Those hands belonged to people who looked different from me. A reality set in.

My world, my experiences, my past, are different than those, not only of the panelists on the stage, but also of the overwhelming majority of the people who joined with me in that room. In each of the speakers, there was an unmistakably passionate longing to see this world made different. There was despair for things hoped for, but not realized. Only, despair was clearly not going to win the day. Instead, what was ultimately expressed came across like a kind of determined or activated hope for a new and better world.

The hip-hop artist who moderated much of the discussion, Jaziri X, closed out his portion of the conversation with these famous words: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for…” I can live in the empowerment of what is intended in that phrase. At the same time, I’m learning that in order for me to have any part in shaping our world (however Jesus may lead us to do so), I’m going to have to understand more of the personal narratives of the people who live in it, particularly, the people whose own stories are vastly different from my own.

I’m grateful to be a part of a learning community like this one at Mariners MV.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


If there is one thing we know about pastors, it’s the fact that we can be long winded. I can only imagine how many times you think on a Sunday morning, “land the plane, buddy, we got it.” So, with that in mind, I’m going to keep this incredibly short.

This Sunday we will have just one service at 10a, which will be followed by our Harvest Carnival! It has become one of my favorite Sundays. And also, it’s a perfect Sunday to invite a friend. One last thing, we will have our Chili Cook-off too! That is all I am allowed to say about the cook-off, I’ve been accused of rigging the contest. :-) See you Sunday… 10a.



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Every year we throw one of the most amazing parties for our community with our annual Harvest Carnival! Our campus is buzzing right now as the preparation has already begun: bringing in the rides, setting up the games, preparing for the food, the music and the fun that we get to enjoy tomorrow night. This is one of the best opportunities of the year to invite your neighbors, friends and families to come and experience the beauty of joyful, loving relationships – the gospel on display at our church campus! Rain or shine it is going to happen so I hope you are making plans to join us and bring somebody with you tomorrow night (for details click here).

This weekend our journey through Nehemiah and our FAVOR WITH KINGS series continues. Kenton will be with us, using Nehemiah’s story to teach us more about who we want to become as loving followers of Jesus.

Also, we had a great turnout and feedback from our Saturday night Beyond spotlight events, so we’re adding more after the 9 & 11a services this Sunday! The services will be slightly shorter (and we’ll take care of your kids :) so we can gather immediately afterward at the Community Center to talk through the story God has been writing to move us Beyond ourselves into this exciting opportunity to love, serve, and reach our community in new and profound ways. Find out more about BEYOND here and be sure to join us this weekend!

I am looking forward to seeing and being with you guys as we continue to walk into this great adventure God has for us.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


This Sunday will be extra special…

We are concluding the Favor With Kings series AND throwing a Trunk or Treat party in the Oak View Community. What more could you want for your Sunday?

We are excited to join together with Oak View Elementary in what will be our future “backyard” once we move into the movie theater. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to continue building relationships with the families in Oak View. This will be a great time for all. Dress up… dress your kids… bring the whole family and all your neighbors as we gather near our future home for this fun community event (costumes not required but a great idea).

I look forward to seeing you at 8:30, 10, 11:30a or 6p AND between 2-4 at Trunk or Treat (17241 Oak Lane, HB).


PS: It’s not too late…sign up here and decorate your trunk with awesomeness!

Favor With Kings


God’s Purpose, Your Passion, and the Process of Doing Great Things

You have a unique contribution to make to the world around you. We need you to be you and do what only you can do. Discover how, based on the legendary journey of Nehemiah.

Join us for this inspiring series.

Sunday Service Times
9 and 11a & 5p

Listen to past messages on our website.

Favor With Kings


God’s Purpose, Your Passion, and the Process of Doing Great Things

You have a unique contribution to make to the world around you. We need you to be you and do what only you can do. Discover how, based on the legendary journey of Nehemiah.

Join us for this inspiring message series.

Sunday: 9 & 11a
Worship Center

Listen to past messages here.

Favor with Kings


God’s Purpose, Your Passion, and the Process of Doing Great Things

You have a unique contribution to make to the world around you. We need you to be you and do what only you can do. Discover how, based on the legendary journey of Nehemiah.

Join us for this inspiring series.

Sun: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p
Huntington Beach Central Library Theater
7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Harvest Carnival

Harvest Carnival 2014 COMPASS

Bring your family and friends for a night of fun at Harvest Carnival. Enjoy fall festivities, carnival rides and many other fun activities for families. Everyone is welcome! Find out more here.

Fri, Oct 28, 5-9p, on campus
Rain or shine, Harvest Carnival is happening. Please note: some rides may be unavailable due to weather.

Sign up to volunteer and help bring this fun event to our community!